Saturday, January 30, 2010

Burnt Carrots with Goat Cheese

The next couple of posts all come from the cookbook “Seven Fires”.
I am not a fan of carrots, but the picture in the book looked so damn good I had to try them and what do you know they were awesome. Remember the recipe is called “Burnt” but that does not mean to burn them beyond recognition. I know some people are not fans of goat cheese or are scared to eat it give it try you will be amazed.

1 bag of baby carrots (halved length wise)
1 package of Goat Cheese crumbled
¼ cup olive oil
1 tsp Thyme
Salt and Pepper

. Heat a cast iron skillet or stovetop skillet on Med- High Heat and turn the broiler on. In a mixing bowl combine oil land thyme and whisk together. Toss carrots in mixture till very well coated. Once a drip of water sizzles on the skillet place the carrots flat side down and cook for about five or six minutes (so the bottoms are charred), now with a rubber spatula flip carrots over and cook for another three or four minutes. Now go ahead and separate carrots into serving piles and place the goat cheese atop the carrots and place under the broiler until cheese is melting. I served these along side Fish Cakes (Recipes 11/18).

Garlic Chips
¾ cup olive oil
4 cloves of garlic peeled and sliced very thin
Slotted spoon
Plate with paper towels on it (for draining chips)

Heat skillet or pan with oil in it on med- high heat. (to see if oil is ready place a chip into oil, if it sizzles it’s ready) Drop chips into oil for only a couple of seconds. They should be golden brown, take spoon and scoop them out and place onto toweled plate. Once carrots are done just sprinkle chips over carrots

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pork Chop with Honey Gremolata

Lately I have been interested in cooking South American food, so when I got a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble I picked up a cook book I found online with a little research. It’s called “Seven Fires” By Francis Mallmann It’s all about grilling over open fire, the book takes place in Argentina and the pictures are breath taking and I highly recommend this book if you enjoy cooking. this by far is my favorite cookbook yet. Now granted, I’m not able to have open fires in my back yard so right now I use a cast iron skillet instead of a “Chapa” which is a flat piece of cast iron stationed a couple of inches over a open fire.

4 Pork Chops
3 cloves of garlic crushed
1 tbsp rosemary
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

Honey Gremolata
1 cup chopped fresh Italian Parsley
1 tsp dry Oregano
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 lemon zested
Juice of one lemon
1 tbsp honey
1-cup olive oil
Salt and pepper

Combine all ingredients and whisk together and store in fridge until ready to use

Take crushed garlic and rosemary and rub into each piece of pork. Sprinkle salt and pepper to your likening. Drizzle olive oil over pork chops.
Heat skillet over med- high heat (you’ll know it ready when a drop of water sizzles in the pan) Place chops seasoned side down for about 5 minutes with out moving, now turn over and cook for about 4 minutes. Put it on a plate and spoon a small to medium portion of Gremolata over top and watch the enjoyment on the faces around you.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Home Made Bread

Today was such a horrible day for the people in southwest Florida it is 45 degrees and rainy, there is nothing to do but stay indoors and cook and clean or at least thats what I'm doing. When it's cold out it's always nice to have some comfort/ hearty food. In college when we wanted to stay in all day and eat we would call it "having a fat day". This is sure to make you and stomach happy!

3 cps of bread flour
1 tbsp of fast acting yeast
1 cup warm milk ( 100 degrees)
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tbsp melted butter
1 tbsp salt Olive oil

In a bowl combine flour and yeast together (the yeast can not come in direct contact with liquid. Dissolve salt and sugar into milk and pour into flour. Mix for a minute then add butter, the dough should be coming together. Place mixture onto a floured surface and start forming a ball. Once this is done you can start kneading the dough, which is to push down on one end of the dough with the heel of your hand and push out at the same time and then quarter turn the dough each time, continue this process for about ten minutes. Find a bowl that is triple the size of the ball of dough and drizzle a little oil into the bottom and roll the dough in it so it's lightly covered so it will not stick to the sides, cover with plastic wrap and a towel and set in a warm draft free place for about 1 hour-2 hours or until doubled in size. After doubled in size punch down the dough with your fist and start to knead the dough for a couple of minutes and place in loaf pan. cover again and wait till it's doubled again. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Before you put dough into oven brush with water or egg white and cook for 25-30 minutes. When it's done it should sound hollow when you tap the top of the crust.

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Orleans Po' Boy

This is a mouth watering sandwich. You can make your own bread which I would assume similar to Cuban bread, french was to hard of crust,or just buy it at your normal supermarket. I know this is a long process, but believe you me it's worth it.
1 small roast
1 cup of red wine
1 tbsp garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
Loaf of Cuban bread
sliced tomatoes
shredded lettuce


When you go to purchase roast ask butcher or meat counter person to take roast and thinly slice it for you, or if you have a slicer at home just get the roast whole. For this exercise we will focus on you buying sliced meat.
Place meat in a pot and cover with water and other spices and cook for about 25-30 minutes. (don't throw water away) once this done pull out and let cool for 15 minutes. In a medium size bowl place gravy ingredients into bowl an mix until it's nice and pasty. once this done scoop into hot reserved water and turn onto medium heat and cook for 10 minutes or until semi thick gravy is formed.
Once gravy is formed and meat is cooled place meat into baking pan or casserole dish and pour gravy over and place into 300 degree oven for about an hour. You will be able to see that the meat is tender, if you wish you could take a spoon and stir meat so that it breaks into tinier pieces but that's up to you.
Keep oven on, cut loaf into sections that you want for sandwiches and then cut a top and bottom. Now spread mayo on both sides and place tomatoes,and lettuce on bread and place in oven for 2 minutes.Once out of oven place meat onto bread and enjoy. Beware it gets messy!