Saturday, January 30, 2010

Burnt Carrots with Goat Cheese

The next couple of posts all come from the cookbook “Seven Fires”.
I am not a fan of carrots, but the picture in the book looked so damn good I had to try them and what do you know they were awesome. Remember the recipe is called “Burnt” but that does not mean to burn them beyond recognition. I know some people are not fans of goat cheese or are scared to eat it give it try you will be amazed.

1 bag of baby carrots (halved length wise)
1 package of Goat Cheese crumbled
¼ cup olive oil
1 tsp Thyme
Salt and Pepper

. Heat a cast iron skillet or stovetop skillet on Med- High Heat and turn the broiler on. In a mixing bowl combine oil land thyme and whisk together. Toss carrots in mixture till very well coated. Once a drip of water sizzles on the skillet place the carrots flat side down and cook for about five or six minutes (so the bottoms are charred), now with a rubber spatula flip carrots over and cook for another three or four minutes. Now go ahead and separate carrots into serving piles and place the goat cheese atop the carrots and place under the broiler until cheese is melting. I served these along side Fish Cakes (Recipes 11/18).

Garlic Chips
¾ cup olive oil
4 cloves of garlic peeled and sliced very thin
Slotted spoon
Plate with paper towels on it (for draining chips)

Heat skillet or pan with oil in it on med- high heat. (to see if oil is ready place a chip into oil, if it sizzles it’s ready) Drop chips into oil for only a couple of seconds. They should be golden brown, take spoon and scoop them out and place onto toweled plate. Once carrots are done just sprinkle chips over carrots

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